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Leadership Voices

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Sign up to be a contributor to Karl Bimshas Consulting’s Leadership Voices

Join other creative freelancers, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and executives.

Each week you receive a leadership question and a link to respond. As a contributor your role is easy: Just record your answer in three minutes or less, and you're done.


How, if at all, has your leadership changed in the last few months?
What leadership changes are you making to better position yourself for the uncertain future?
Who has been your greatest ally over the last two months, and have you recognized them?

Your answer may be used in a podcast, blog, or social media to showcase the current leadership voices. (There’s no guarantee of use, but your input and insight are important to gather current leadership sentiment.)

The world needs stronger leaders and Karl Bimshas Consulting wants to share your trials and triumphs.

Karl Bimshas Consulting

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