In the waning days of the year, think about ways to improve your performance in any area of your life by spending a quiet moment reflecting. Use the Triple C as a guide.
Cease – Think about one or two of the biggest things you know you have to stop doing if you want to increase your effectiveness. It is likely a bad habit or attitude. You’ll need to quit doing whatever that is.
Commence – Determine which new habits, attitudes, or actions you will need to adopt and demonstrate that are most likely boost your effectiveness. You may have avoided these in the past. It is time to try them.
Continue – You are doing something right. What are your “winning ways” and how will you ensure you keep doing them despite any distractions?
This may not be particularly productive time of the year for you. Carve out no more than 15 minutes to sneak away for a cup of coffee and reflect on your Triple C. It will give you a rough plan of action.