How Well Do You Know Yourself?
Everyone has different strengths, perceived weaknesses and approaches to his or her challenges. Most busy professionals do not give much thought to their communication style yet understanding, why you do what you do, is crucial for your ongoing success.
People who are self-aware find ways of accomplishing goals easier because they use their strongest behavioral style strategically.
The DISC Leadership Report from Karl Bimshas Consulting gives you a vivid picture of your natural and adaptive forms of communication, and how you work and interact with others. Its goal is to help you build and then maximize productive relationships. You keep your unique personality and learn what drives other people.
Review your strengths, preferred work-style and ideal environment. Understand your motivational wants and needs, discover what causes you stress and why you respond to conflict in particular ways.
Receive communication tips, areas for improvement, strategies to reduce conflict, and how to adapt to enjoy healthier relationships with others

The DISC SUMMARY provides your general characteristics, strengths, motivations, needs, a communication plan, and areas for potential improvement for $49.
The DISC LEADERSHIP REPORT is an extensive three-part, 50-page resource that delivers a deep dive explanation of each behavior style. It includes a description of your twelve behavioral tendencies, tools to help you identify other people’s behavior styles, how to adapt to different situations, how to build and maintain rapport as a leader, plus more. Use this report if you want to add a valuable reference tool to your leadership arsenal. It is available for $99.
DISC is the most widely used behavior profiling tool of its kind, supported by decades of research and continuous validation. It helps users first build, then maximize productive relationships.