If your life were like a book or a movie and someone asked, “What’s it about?” What would you reply?
If you don’t know, don’t get bent out of shape by people who don’t “get” you.
If you don’t know your purpose, others won’t either. Purpose isn’t handed out like Halloween candy. You’ve already got yours, maybe hidden deep inside. Let it out and follow it.
Not knowing your purpose, or being unsure is perfectly acceptable provided you’re working toward knowing and being more sure. Passively sitting there makes for a boring book or movie, and a tragic life.
On the other hand, if you’re in business, you’ve got to do the work and figure out the purpose, vision, and values of what you’re trying to create. Customers, clients, patients, subscribers, members, and contributors are not going to serendipitously wander to you in great numbers.
Stand for something, or at the bare minimum, strongly prefer something. Your life can be a mystery, an edge-of-your-seat adventure, heavy drama or side-splitting comedy, that’s all up to you. Whatever you decide, make it a page-turner.