Sometimes things stink. You've got to figure out why. Tackle it. And then, move on. This one-page tool helps you do that in two steps. … [Read more...]
Tame Your Troubles
A guide from Karl Bimshas Consulting. How busy professionals can reduce the wily troubles that keep them feeling anxious. … [Read more...]
Current Business Snapshot: Worksheet
This worksheet contains a series of judgement free questions designed for business owners to reflect on their current enterprise and consider future steps. This tool helps you capture data from key areas of your business which you can then use as … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Find Your Passion and Act on Purpose
If you sometimes feel stuck and wonder what you’re doing with your life it’s a clue that you’re not fulfilling your purpose. Learn three ways to identify that latent yearning and one way to take action. … [Read more...]
After Action Review
Download this 2 page pdf file and run a quick lessons learned assessment on your objective. Review your progress on your primary personal or professional goal, your current level of satisfaction, the Triple C, and build an action plan for your … [Read more...]
Leader and Manager Potential Self Assessment
This short self-assessment provides a glance at your leadership and management potential. Great for those who don't know, or get confused by the differences between management and leadership. … [Read more...]