Here’s a new project we’re working on at Karl Bimshas Consulting:
The Leadership Maintenance Plan.
Whether it’s a car, relationship, bike, tools, or appliance, anything you value requires maintenance to help ensure optimal performance and longevity. Why would leadership be any different?
Purpose: to ensure your leadership skills remain relevant and adaptive to the ever-changing landscape through a comprehensive and systematic approach to leadership development.
The Goal:
To help leaders evolve their skills, address specific challenges, achieve sustained excellence in leadership, and cultivate compassionate, competent leaders who inspire and lead with integrity.
If you like the idea and want to help out, here’s what you can do:
Register your interest by taking a comprehensive 10-15 minute Leadership Elements Proficiency Assessment.
(Doing so also gives you temporary access to Lyderis, our leadership portal.)
Fill out our Leadership Red Flag Diagnostic Tool. It’s part of our “You Might Have a Leadership Problem” toolset, and I guarantee you’ll gain interesting insight on your leadership.
If none of this is appealing to you, you can still let us know by clicking here.